Visitor information
We welcome all visitors
Please check in at reception before going to a patient’s room.
Visitors are welcome to park in the main Crest Hospital car park (off Carroll Street). Car parking is free.
Visiting hours
Our preferred visiting hours are: 10am to 8pm.
Please be aware that these hours may include mealtimes for the patient. Therefore, it may be preferable for the patient to receive visitors before or after these mealtimes.
When relatives and friends telephone the hospital, they cannot be given information about a patient's condition/progress without the patient’s permission. Telephone enquiries can be put through to the patient’s room.
Support person accommodation and meals
It may be possible for a support person to stay overnight with a patient. Please note that this will only be possible if there is accommodation available. Please contact reception for information prior to admission. Please note that there is no public cafeteria on site. However, meals can be ordered from the kitchen for a patient support person. There will be a charge for this service, payable at reception.
How to find Crest Hospital

Reception Hours
Monday to Friday 6.30 am – 6.00 pm
Located behind the
Crest Specialist Centre.
Complimentary visitor parking on site.
21 Carroll Street
Palmerston North 4410
New Zealand
Phone: (06) 953 2480