Mr Tao Sun Tycus Tse
Orthopaedic Surgeon
t (06) 357 6024 e reception@aocortho.co.nz
(Preferred name Tycus)
Interest in: Knee and hip joint replacement, General orthopaedic surgery, robotic joint replacement and unicompartmental knee replacement.
Born in Hong Kong during the British colonial days, Tycus grew up in Hong Kong and Singapore.
He graduated from Medical School in 2008 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong obtaining Bachelor of Medicine, and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB).
Tycus started under the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong as house officer in 2008. He progressed to a Medical Officer in 2009 for Basic Surgical Training at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH) department of Neurosurgery, via which he had rotations in Orthopaedics and Surgery. In 2011, he progressed onto higher Orthopaedic Training under the department of Orthopaedic & Traumatology PYNEH.
In 2016, Tycus completed Orthopaedic training, and attained Fellowships in Orthopaedic Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh [FRCSEd(Orth)], the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons (FHKCOS), and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (FHKAM).
Tycus continued his work as a fellow Orthopaedic Surgeon in PYNEH with a focus in adult Joint replacement. He spent the year of 2019 as fellow training in Arthroplasty focused on unicompartment knee arthroplasty and robotic surgery at the Joint Replacement Centre of Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (AHNH) Tai Po, Hong Kong. In 2020, he was promoted to Associate Consultant in PYNEH, continuing his focused-on knee and hip arthroplasty, and contributed to the introduction of robotic-assisted arthroplasty for the centre.
In 2022, Tycus relocated to Palmerston North New Zealand with his family (Sandi his wife, and two very young daughters Makari and Josie.) He was appointed as Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Palmerston North Hospital. In 2024, he obtained full registration for vocational scope of Orthopaedic Surgery from the Medical Council of New Zealand, and full membership with New Zealand Orthopaedic Association. His family was joined by another daughter (Haveny). Like many of his colleagues in Palmerston North, Tycus extended his practice to Crest Hospital, and private practice at Aorangi Orthopaedic Centre under the company of Redemptive Orthopaedic Surgery Limited.